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Tyanne, a Philadelphia/New Jersey based lifestyle blogger. Follow her on her journey as she jumps into the fashion industry with a fresh mind and new perspectives... 


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Next Weeks Style Inspo

Hey Loves, This week on Practically Poised I wanted to share a bit of myself with you guys by give you some fashion inspiration from one fashionista to another. Now the week before last I talk all about my evolving style and how I didn't know where my style was going, because it currently includes a blend of past fashion experiences and my current fashion direction. So I still am in the process of figuring out my style truly and getting my closet to reflect that. But even with that in mind I will say that all of these looks were curated by me and are looks that I would definitely wear if given the opportunity. These looks are definitely in the direction of where I see my style going in the next couple of years. A purse for every look and heels almost every day!

**Use these looks as a guide/fashion direction for next weeks outfit choices. Pick one week and get dressed with purpose, step outside your box and try something new even if you only take one aspect from these looks!

mondays, fur, polvore, leather, blues, jeans, gold

Its the first day of the week and five days away from the weekend, but you can't let this deter you from looking great and showing off last weekends glow. Use fashion to express your feelings but continue to remain on point. Think of fashion as an interpretive art piece. On the first day of the week you can express your "Monday Blues" with a vibrant blue fur coat. You want to make people talk, but in the right way. And only you have the ability to shift the direction of their conversation.

polyvore, fashion, red, red velvet, booties, navy blue

Tuesdays, the day after Monday so its still a drag and the week has only begun. Let turn that negative attitude around and make Tuesday sweet. Blend colors that you normally wouldn't think to put together and make a statement once again. It's the beginning of the week and others won't be on their A game, so show them how its done. Tuesdays may be a drag but with a yellow over coat like the one above you're sure to turn heads and brighten someone else day!

fashion, wednesday, polyvore, glasses, watch

Wednesday! So the week is half done, you've made it all the way to Wednesday. So of course since Wednesday is the peak of the week, you have to pull out your best outfit of course! Use Wednesday to demonstrate your inner girl boss, Sophisticated and Sexy. Step out and show out because wednesday is all about you. Keep your head held high and strive to work at your potential, and did I forget to mention that Wednesday is also about productivity. You can't dress like a boss and expect not to put in work like a boss. Go ahead girl and rock it. With independence, hard work, confidence, and a great fit your sure the be someones #wcw.

guest blogging, practically poised

minimal, fashion, comfy, thursday, sweater dress, boots, adidas, iPhone, watch, glasses

Now that the week is coming to an end its okay to tone it down a bit and get a bit more comfortable with your look. You still want to be cute but wearing an outfit that is loose and comfy for you. At the end of the week you don't have to dress to the nines, but you want to let people know that you are ready for the weekend yet you will always maintain your class and fashionable style. Throwing on a dad hat and sweater dress is a great way to dress down but you amp it up by paring it with thigh highs and your best tote and flashy rose gold watch. Glasses with this look help you to remain sophisticated. Friday is almost here so while your comfortable, keep your head up babe!

friday, polyvore, tgif, orange, hallowed

Wow, finally its Friday. Can we all just take a moment to thank God its Friday. The week has ended and the weekend is peaking its head through. On this day just like Thursday you want to still be comfortable but we're just going to dress it up a bit to get in the weekend mind set. You don't want to be gloomy or too tired, so a bright top along with a dark pair of jeans. Now with this look you need an amazing black pair of booties, but not just any pair. You a black pair that has an element of pop to them, whether its a unique embellishment or a sassy heel. You want the world to know that its Friday from just looking at you. Comfort because you have a relaxed vibe due to the end of the week yet theres an ounce of sass due to your confidence.

Thank you for taking time out of your day to read this post.

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